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The Ways to Ensure Your Business

Whether you're a fan of New Year's resolutions or not, many people feel like a new calendar gives them a fresh start. It's a time to reflect on where you are with your business and what things you'd like to improve.

To get you started, here are 5 things that will help you ensure a great year for your bookkeeping business:

1. Plan your day, week, month, and year.

I used to hate Monday mornings - it seemed like every Monday a client would call with an issue that had to be resolved right away. It meant that I had to re-arrange everything I had planned and usually things would just go downhill from there.

To keep that from happening, why not developed a ritual of planning reviews that allow you to keep track of details as well as the big picture?

• At the end of every working day, spend the last 15 minutes going over your schedule for the next day. This would include focusing on what items you need to do yourself, and what items you need to delegate.

• At the end of the week, spend around 20 to 30 minutes reviewing what was accomplished during the current week and then move your attention to the upcoming week. On Monday morning, spend 15 minutes reviewing the coming week and month.

• Do the same thing at the end of each month. And since it's the New Year it's time to plan for next year!

Cara Order

Kirim email ke m_sofii@yahoo.co.id atau sms ke no. 081937991014 sertakan jenis order anda (nama barang/kode barang, nama anda, email anda dan no. telp).


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